Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Requested translations RSS

Tìm kiếm
Source language French, English, Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, Esperanto, Catalan, Chinese, Spanish, Chinese simplified, Literary Chinese
Target language French, English, Chinese, Chinese simplified, Japanese, Literary Chinese

Tìm kiếm
Source language
Target language

Results 1 - 20 of about 54
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Source language
Chinese simplified i want this to be translated

Requested translations
English English
Source language
Chinese simplified From Chinese to English
US English

Requested translations
English English
27Source language27
English Not dead ? ! ?
A backend update for cucumis !

Yep I had a couple of hours today to work on a few updates mainly for security matters.

First of all, all site is now in https for security (was done few weeks ago).

Also, passwords used to be stored in clear in database. This is fixed now, passwords are hashed.

And finally a [DELETE SPAMMER] button for admins.

Happy 2019 to all of you!

Completed translations
French Pas mort ? ! ?
Danish Ikke død ? ! ?
Swedish Inte död ? ! ?
Source language
Chinese simplified Wuxia Translation
你第一次完成任务,九 荒镜先赠送一部《涅槃 经》功法给你,可以帮 你打通先天死窍,突破 到淬体境
its a cultivation line

Requested translations
English English
Source language
English Smartphone specs aggregated data charts
Smartphone specs aggregated data charts

Completed translations
French Synthèse graphique des caractéristiques de smartphone
Requested translations
Japanese Japanese
Chinese simplified Chinese simplified
Source language
Hello! Thank you very much for the great battle and your kind words! It was a close match and I have let everyone know about your message! Good luck to you and your crew in the future rounds!

Requested translations
Japanese Japanese
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French En attendant ton anniversaire...
En attendant ton anniversaire...
Le contexte est l'envoi d'un colis de petites choses (saucisson, livres, etc.) en attendant le jour J pour envoyer le cadeau d'anniversaire. L'intéressée est une fille de 12 ans.

Le sens de ma demande de traduction est :
"Pour patienter en attendant ton cadeau d'anniversaire" mais "En attendant ton anniversaire..." est plus "mystérieux".

J'espère être clair. Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

Requested translations
Japanese Japanese
Source language
English Explaining for tuition exemption
Being a student of Nagasaki University for almost 1 year now, my impression is that this is a very welcoming place for international students who want to study, as well as experiencing culture and life in Japan. This year, I do some part time jobs and received scholarship from Asian scholarship foundation. From that I can afford for daily expenses. However, paying for tuition fee is difficult for me as I don’t receive support from my family. I will appreciate any help from university.
I am writing a short paragraph to explain my situation why I want to apply for tuition exemption at university

Requested translations
Japanese Japanese
Source language
English Japanese Tweet
Hello, I do RTA of SMS and practiced a lot already. I will continue to work hard to get good records!
This is supposed to be a tweet, so the translations mustn't contain more than 140 characters. "RTA" and "SMS" should not be translated. Translating the meaning is not enough, the translations has to have as correct of grammar and syntax as possible.
Big thanks for the translation beforehand :)

Requested translations
Japanese Japanese
Source language
Spanish el dolor es temporal pero la victoria es para...
el dolor es temporal pero la victoria es para siempre

Source language
Spanish Eres una mujer admirable y todo lo que proviene...
Eres una mujer admirable y todo lo que proviene de tí,es una grata sorpresa.
Te agradezco tu presencia y me complace compartir mi tiempo contigo.
Es una nota de agradecimiento hacia una maravillosa mujer.

Requested translations
Japanese Japanese
Source language
Chinese simplified 【APH/MMD】和最喜欢我的东南亚细亚一起妄想疾患女孩!
自制 配布视频By:草哥 谢谢草哥!其他借用见视频。禁止黑角色,不管有意无意,见到侮辱性弹幕、tag、评论一律举报删除。勇洙模型国内配布再开,B站内恢复使用。 ,密码见白干儿的配布群:为了管理方便采取QQ群配布,申请验证带上b站id和作品(自制至少3个)的链接,管理员会审核借用,通过以后进群看公告上的密码记载。如果验证消息不够写请私信管理员填写入群申请。QQ群: 80615830
Chinese (simplified) to U.S. English.

This is from a video on

Requested translations
English English
Source language
English General Information, personality, childhood...
Please fill up General Information, personality, childhood story, background story, favorites, sexuality, weapon preference, weapon history, relationship status, likes and dislikes in this submission form.
in kanji Japanese

Requested translations
Japanese Japanese
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